Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I love resolutions.  I love new challenges and examining things to see where I am and where I want to go.  To be honest, 2012 was the first year I ever gave my resolutions any truly serious thought.  Before then, I tended more toward spur of the moment things like "save more money" and "exercise more". 

Last year I sat down during the first week of January and identified some concrete goals I wanted to work toward.  I noted my progress each month during the year, and while I didn't accomplish every single one fully, I made some real progress and saw many positive changes in my life as a result.  So although we dont need artificial deadlines, the ritual of examining and evaluating come the new year is one I find useful for setting the tone of the days ahead.

Here are my

Top Three Resolutions for 2013 

1. Make Time For Date Night.

With myself.  I am really good about making time for others, and for work, and for Massey.  And for running and organizing.  And working on my house.  I am really terrible about carving out time to just be - to read a book on the deck, or watching a movie without multi-tasking, or playing my flute.  In 2013 I plan to find 4 hours a week for those things - and not feel rushed or guilty about it.

2. Make Yoga A Priority.

I never bought into the whole yoga thing until my dear friend Anne started yoga teacher training and she convinced me to give it a go.  Now I'm hooked. It clears my head, eases my stress, and gets me out of the weight-lifting that I so dread.  Im starting this off by taking on Om On Yoga's 40 Day Yoga Challenge beginning on Sunday.  In 2012 I learned that yoga makes me happy.  So more yoga = more happy, right?

3. Reassess My Habits.

As I've told you before, I do love my beer and wine.  But I also know that one of the most significant things a BRCA1 carrier can do to reduce her cancer risk is to greatly reduce her alcohol intake. 
But I really haven't done that over the last few years.

And as I sat down to reflect on 2012 and all the positive changes that were made, I've realized that this was one area where nothing positive was really being brought.  I mean, if I'm being 100% honest - drinking does nothing to improve my sleep, my budget, my weight, or my emotional state. 

I have no idea what this is going to end up looking like.  I've thought about giving it up all together.  I've thought about a "special occasion only" rule, or limiting it to a number of drinks per week.  This resolution is going to take some pondering, and some trial and error, to find what works.  Its the one I am most nervous about, but also most excited by.  I'm kicking it off by going dry during the 40 day yoga challenge - and we'll see what happens from there.   

There are definitely other resolutions on the list, but these are the three at the forefront of my mind.  Any resolutions out there?  How are you going about creating a life you love?    

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PS - Check out my guest post over a RBJJ's blog - its all about being a woman training Muay Thai and why we kick as much ass as the boys.

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I love talking about VCU Massey Cancer Center, my story, and the Massey Challenge! I also just love hearing from others supporting Team Massey! Drop me a comment - I'd love to hear from you!