Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Running Streak Rehash - Week 15

If you missed it, Week 15 was a very exciting one for this running streak.  And not just because it resulted in some ridiculous accidental self-pics like this as I tried to create my first vlog:
But because I crossed THE ONE HUNDRED DAY MARK on the way to 150!  Thats right - There are less than 50 days left in this running streak.  If you missed the announcement, you can find it here.

Here is how the rest of the week panned out:

     Day   99 Wednesday February 20, 2013 - 1.01 miles
     Day 100 Thursday February 21, 2013 - 2.12 miles
     Day 101 Friday February 22, 2013 - 1.01 miles
     Day 102 Saturday February 23, 2013 - 1.00 miles
     Day 103 Sunday February 24, 2013 - 3.01 miles
     Day 104 Monday February 25, 2013 - 3.00 miles
     Day 105 Tuesday February 26, 2013 1.00 - miles

             Week Total - 12.15

The numbers were a little on the low side in large part because this happened:
It was only my second time skiing ever - the last time being about 13 year ago - and my legs required some serious recovery after that adventure.

*   *   *
Oh - and this happened:
We're just $1,347 away from reaching the halfway mark to $25,151!!!!! 
If you've watched Friday's vlog (and really, Ive linked you to it how many times now?  You should have seen it!) you know the goal is to get there by COB this month - so we have just three days to go!  If you've been waiting for a major milestone to make your donation - nows the time! 

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