Wednesday, November 14, 2012

On Becoming A Streaker

Not that kind, you dirty readers.

The Runner's World Holiday Running Streak is starting up - challenging folks to run at least a mile per day from Thanksgiving through New Years Day.  I love a challenge, so I hopped right on board.

But if you know me at all, you probably know that the bare minimum isn't my kind of thing.

So, my dears, today starts my personal "Monument Avenue 10K Running Streak" - Ill run at least a mile a day between today and the April 13, 2013 race.  That 150 days.

This seems easy today, when my neighborhood run will look like this:

Check back with me in December when I'm running through snow in Connecticut.

I'll be checking in each Sunday with a report on the week's progress.  Want to join me?  Drop a comment to let me know!

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I have to join you in this. Otherwise, I'll just feel lazier than I do know spending all my time with you drinking wine, eating, and socializing instead of anything productive, like, you know, running.


I love talking about VCU Massey Cancer Center, my story, and the Massey Challenge! I also just love hearing from others supporting Team Massey! Drop me a comment - I'd love to hear from you!