Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Running Streak Rehash - Week Seventeen

As I am creeping up on the last month of my 150 day running streak (and how on earth did that happen??) it seems that the universe is testing my resolve.  You will recall the airport running incident of last week (discussed here).  Well, this week brought a similar trial, when Wednesday looked like this:
All. Day.  Long.

Now, we all know Im willing to run in some crazy weather.  But I draw the line at snow-covered, slushy streets while it is still actively precipitating.  Call me a wuss, but Ive got a line, and thats it.

Upon texting Greg that this looked like the bitter end for my streak, he suggested a run around the house.  Which I did.  If you've ever visited my house you'll understand how boring this was - it took a lot of around the kitchen, through the den, up the stairs, down the hall, and back laps to make a mile happen.  But it happened.

Which is why the cruel twist of fate that is the virus from hell arriving on Thursday was even less appreciated than it would have been otherwise.  Just in time for some great running weather - and a 5K I was really looking forward to - I got hit so hard that leaving the couch has been a feat.  But Tim insisted during his visit this weekend, that I had come too far to stop. 

And while he conceded that a great friend would have joined for for the miles he was here for, he insisted that a best friend would be the one waiting at the end with tea and cheese.  Notably, neither were waiting for me after my runs.  Hmmmm . . . .

Its been no more than one slow as molasses mile a day since.  But I am SUPER hopeful this thing will have cleared out in time for the Shamrock 8k on Saturday.   

Week Seventeen

Day 113 Wednesday March 6, 2013 - 1.00 miles
Day 114 Thursday March 7, 2013 - 1.00 miles
Day 115 Friday March 8, 2013 - 1.00 miles
Day 116 Saturday March 9, 2013 - 1.00 miles
Day 117 Sunday March 10, 2013 - 1.10 miles
Day 118 Monday March 11, 2013 - 1.00 miles
Day 119 Tuesday March 12, 2013 1.00 - miles

Week Total - 7.10
*   *   *
In other news, my brother got me to try out this app rather than Runkeeper this week:
It doesnt seem to have the issues with the GPS skipping that I've had with Runkeeper.  But it also tracks miles only to the .1 and not the .01 that Runkeeper does.  So right now, the jury is still out.  But im going to give it a bit more time before I decide the winner in my world.  Hopefully in a few days Ill be able to take it for a spin longer than a mile to help figure that out!

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