Thursday, October 11, 2012

Breast Cancer Is A Witch

Last night was one of my favorite nights of the year - the Breast Cancer Is A Witch Party at the Shops at 5807.

Lots of my favorite people were there:

I got lucky and got to model my beloved owl hat:

The Shops were decked out in their Halloween finery.  It was hard for me to walk away from these shiny cutie-pies:

As usual, the live auction got a little heated - but the lovely models (like Matt!) did a great job showing off their wares.

Of course, I had to come home with something pretty.  I mean - its for Massey, so how could I say no?

This year's event carried a bit more meaning for me than in years past, as I have a friend who was undergoing her first chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer just as we were kicking it off.  I had promised to be a bit extra witchy this year on her behalf.  So when the designer of my hat - Kim Vincze of VERVE home furnishings - read the following toast she had drafted just before it was auctioned of, it totally warmed my heart:

A Wicked Toast to Breast Cancer

Tonight we gather to toast survivors and those we've lost.
We'll drink to them and buy a witch hat, no matter what the cost.
With our friends at Massey and all our support,
we will make sure that cancer no longer holds court.
For those of you who must endure, 
tonight we'll cast a spell of hope and cure.
So "double double toil and trouble"
Raise your wine or your bubbles,
With hope, vigilance and all we've got
we'll get you cancer until you rot.
For as they say, breast cancer you may be a witch, 
but alas, I am the bigger bitch.

It totally made me think of her, so from that point on, that hat had to be mine!

(Its also possible I have a problem with pretty witch hats, as evidenced by the collection from past years that now resides in my office)

I'm going to be a dork and say it - it was a goulishly good time!

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I love talking about VCU Massey Cancer Center, my story, and the Massey Challenge! I also just love hearing from others supporting Team Massey! Drop me a comment - I'd love to hear from you!