Wednesday, September 26, 2012

If I Never Had Cancer

Things can get pretty heavy when you're talking about cancer.

But cancer isn't all bad.  It can actually take your life to some pretty great places.

For example:

If I hadn't had cancer, Elle Woods wouldn't have inspired me to go to law school.

(Yes, that is a true story.)

Where I became best friends with this lady:

And ended up being adopted by this awesome family:

And getting to be an aunt to these super-cutie girls:

(And teach them why the 'stache is to be revered.)

Thanks to chemo letting Elle inspire me, I found a great job, working for this contender for boss-of-the-year:

And because I was working there, I met this guy:

If I hadn't been inspired right in that moment, I probably wouldn't have chosen to attend law school at the University of Richmond, and probably wouldn't have bought an old house in Richmond several years later:

(Or have learned far too many details about 1940s plumbing in the South.)

And, ironically, if I hadn't been living in Richmond, I likely would have never become such good friends with this incredible girl:

(We only became besties AFTER I moved out of her city - go figure.)

I started volunteering for Massey because I was treated there, so if it wasn't for cancer, I probably would never have met these lovely ladies:

And if I hadn't become friends with those girls, none of us would have met Floyd.

And no one really wants to imagine a world without Floyd.

There are lots of things about the fight against cancer I would never in a million years want to do again.  But there are lots of ways its changed my life that I would never want to give back either.


  1. Floyd is going to get a big head from all this Floyd loving. Let's be careful he may pop.


I love talking about VCU Massey Cancer Center, my story, and the Massey Challenge! I also just love hearing from others supporting Team Massey! Drop me a comment - I'd love to hear from you!